
Competitor Price Analysis Dashboard For Category Managers

General Price Comparison Report

Lower Price Positions Report

Higher Price Positions Report

Market Price Fluctuation Dynamics Report

MSRP/MAP Violations Report

The Competitor Price Analysis Dashboard is the primary tool for the category manager of an online store, immediately revealing pricing issues and enabling timely decision-making.

The Competitor Price Analysis dashboard gives quick answers to the following questions: 

  • How do the prices of your products compare to those of competitors’ products? Who offers lower or higher prices, and what aspects should you focus on?
  • How have the prices of your products changed in relation to competitors’ digital shelves over a specific period?
  • What is the trend in MSRP or MAP violations among competitors, and which specific products are currently priced below the MSRP?

Let’s take a closer look at the report widgets displayed on this dashboard.

Important! If you need to conduct a more in-depth analysis, you can quickly navigate from a widget to the detailed report.

General Price Comparison Report

You can configure this report to display data by category and across competitors, and fix them next to each other on the dashboard.

Both report configurations show the number of market offers based on price (relative to yours): equal, higher, or lower.

Thanks to such visual data representation, you can quickly identify problematic areas.

Lower Price Positions Report

On the left, you see the total number of products in each category and brand for which competitors offer lower prices than yours. On the right, you see a table listing these products. Scroll to the right to see the price difference.

What you can do with it: In most cases, you’ll need to reduce the price to remain competitive and ensure sales of these products.

Higher Price Positions Report

These are the same report, but showing products for which competitors are charging higher prices. On the left, you can see the number of positions where a competitor’s market price is higher, and on the right, you’ll find a list of these positions.

What you can do with it: Analyzing these report alongside internal sales data can become the basis for increasing the price of certain products or adjusting marketing activities.

Market Price Fluctuation Report

The Pricer24 parser visits your competitors’ websites multiple times a day and captures price changes. This information is included in the Price Fluctuations report, and you can also pin its widget to your dashboard.

In this report, you can see when and how prices for your SKUs have changed on partner and competitor websites. You’ll immediately notice red prices, indicating fluctuations of more than 7% compared to the previous price, and can set the range for fluctuations that will be highlighted in the system.

What you can do with it: Start identifying patterns in competitors’ behavior to understand competitors’ logic.

MSRP/MAP Violations Report

In the left-hand widget, you can see the dynamics of MSRP/MAP violations by day over a specific period. This allows you to analyze patterns and dynamics; for example, you might see that a peak in MSRP violations occurs on weekends.

On the right, you see a list of SKUs that are currently being sold by competitors at prices below the recommended retail price.

What you can do with it: Provide a vendor with information about pricing violations by competitors and request that the vendor address them.

The Competitor Price Analysis dashboard contains Price Comparison, Price Fluctuation, and Violation History reports.

I want this dashboard. How can I get it?

If you are not yet a Pricer24 client, leave your contact information in the form at the bottom or top of this page and our manager will get in touch with you.

If you are already our client, our support team will help you configure these reports and display them on your dashboard.

If you are an experienced Pricer24 user, you can create these and similar dashboards on your own.

In any case, our team is always ready to help.

More dashboards for category managers:

Take a consultation
  • Market analytics
  • Price parsing
  • Product visibility
Take a consultation
  • Market analytics
  • Price parsing
  • Product visibility
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