
Price Comparison Tool for E-Commerce

A convenient system of reports for comparing prices with competitors, overall or by individual brands, categories, or product segments.


Price Checking & Comparison: Focus on What Matters

Price cut

The number of your offers with prices equal to, above, and below the market average.

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Lower price

A report showing the total number of products for which competitors’ prices are lower than yours.

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Comparison by category

A report that allows you to compare the prices of goods in different categories.

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Comparison by brands

A price comparison report for the brands featured in your catalog.

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Improve KPIs

  • +15%
    Boost your sales
    Companies that implement pricing strategies based on price comparison increase sales by an average of 10-15%.
  • +15%
    Speed up turnover
    Retailers who use price optimization and price comparison see a 2-5% increase in inventory turnover.
  • +5%
    Increase market share
    By integrating price comparison, companies increase their market share by an average of 2-5% within a year.

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Case Study: How Pricing Optimization Helped KTC Increase Sales

KTC is one of the most visited online hardware and electronics stores in Ukraine, with a strong regional network of 26 offline stores. In this case study, KTC’s category management specialists share how the Pricer24 price comparison solution helps them increase sales.

Result: The KTC online store achieved competitive prices and increased the share of sales to new customers by 11%.


Why is price comparison important in the world of e-commerce?
Over 82% of consumers compare product prices online before making a purchase. Therefore, market players should use modern price comparison tools. By analyzing the market and offering competitive prices, retailers gain an advantage and can attract more price-sensitive customers.
How can you effectively implement price comparison for an e-commerce business?
You can effectively compare prices by using automated price comparison tools that constantly track product prices on different online platforms and compare them to your prices.
How will I receive data from your platform?
You can receive data in several ways: export prices to Excel or XML pick up data via an API We can also integrate Pricer24 with your site so that when parsing data is updated in Pricer24, it is immediately passed to your pricing system. Within the Pricer24 system, price checking and comparison is visualized in reports. Pricer24 provides several types of reports for different tasks: Price Comparison, Price Fluctuations, and Price History. Reports can be customized in a form convenient for you. For example, with the Price Comparison report, you can display data in a table, pie chart, or bar chart; the Price History report displays data in the form of a graph.
How often is data updated on your platform?
We usually update data five to seven times a day, as this is enough for most customers. If you need to update data more often, we can configure our price comparison solution to collect competitor data at least hourly.
How much does your price comparison solution cost?
The cost depends on the size of your assortment and the number of websites you plan to analyze. We start by discussing your particular needs so we can give you an accurate estimate.
What data sources does your solution use?
The price scraper collects data from open sources, i.e. from your competitors’ websites.
For which e-commerce companies is price comparison a must?
Price comparison is vital for online shops, brands, and distributors, as it allows companies to optimize their pricing strategies to find the right balance between attracting customers and maintaining profit margins. By comparing prices, companies can adjust pricing strategies to maximize profits. If you operate in a highly competitive niche, have a large number of SKUs in your portfolio, and plan to implement a competitive pricing strategy and market analytics, Pricer24 is the perfect solution.
Does Pricer24 allow for price checking and comparison on price aggregators and marketplaces?
Yes, our software can check and compare your prices with prices on any commercial sites: online stores, price aggregators, and marketplaces.

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