Case Studies

Case Study: How Data Empowers Ajax Systems to Enhance Their Presence on Retail Partner Websites


Ajax Systems is an international technology company and the largest security system manufacturer in Europe. The company provides solutions for video surveillance, smart homes, fire detection, and flood prevention. Their product portfolio includes 135 wireless and wired security and automation devices. Today, Ajax protects over 2.5 million users in 169 countries worldwide.

Pricer24 has been collaborating with Ajax Systems since June 2023. In this case study, we examine how our platform helps the manufacturer enhance its online shelf presence by maintaining real-time control over product availability on partner websites.


Task 1: Ensuring Product Availability on the Digital Shelf

Product representation and shelf share are crucial KPIs for an e-commerce brand. The presence or absence of a product on retailers’ websites directly impacts the vendor’s sales and profitability.

Our client’s objectives were as follows:

  • Maximize the representation of Ajax products on partner websites
  • Minimize the number of products marked out of stock or not available on partner websites
  • Monitor SKU stock levels of partners in real time
  • Track the addition of product cards continuously, including the introduction of new releases to partner websites

In practice, this entailed daily monitoring of the product portfolio (consisting of approximately 150 SKUs) across all key partner websites. To streamline this process, Ajax Systems specialists sought an automated solution that would provide real-time data on availability statuses.

Task 2: Protecting Premium Positioning and Product Margins

Ajax products are not merely household gadgets. They form a professional security system that protects premises from burglary, fire, and flooding, provide video surveillance, and enable the management of power devices. The company emphasizes design and product interfaces, invests in its own hardware and software technologies, conducts thorough development and testing of its products, and possesses a plethora of proprietary technologies. Therefore, in comparison to basic alarms saturating the Ukrainian market from China, Ajax products are priced three to four times higher.

As Ajax competes on the basis of quality and service rather than price, the company anticipates a similar approach from its retail partners. Thus, another integral aspect of the manufacturer’s collaboration with online stores involves maintaining the brand’s consistent pricing positioning and ensuring fair and equal conditions for all partners.


Data Collection

The client provided us with their catalog and a list of partner websites for monitoring. After matching and aligning products, the Pricer24 parser began collecting daily data on:

  • Product availability statuses on partners’ online stores
  • Product availability dynamics
  • Product prices

Reports and Analysis

For daily monitoring, we created a dashboard for the client with reports that display:

  • The overall status of product representation among partners
  • Dynamics of catalog representation on digital shelves
  • Lists of SKUs with the out of stock status, indicating those no longer available from partners or not sold for other reasons
  • Lists of new products not yet introduced on key partner websites

This dashboard enables the client to grasp, with a single click, the representation of the Ajax Systems product portfolio on retailers’ digital shelves. This helps them quickly identify the most problematic areas and focus on top-priority tasks.


  • Time savings for the client’s team thanks to automated data collection and processing
  • Increased shelf share resulting from faster and more efficient control over product availability


Monitoring product availability and pricing positioning on the online shelf demands daily attention from the manufacturer. Automation helps streamline these processes: real-time data collection and analytics from Pricer24 ensure continuity and systematic control.

Ajax Systems’ proactive approach in collaboration with partners, combined with the manufacturer’s possession of an automated tool for market monitoring and the professionalism of the sales team results in a strategic impact — attaining target product margin indicators, maintaining leadership positions in the market, and increasing market share.

Take a consultation
  • Market analytics
  • Price parsing
  • Product visibility
Take a consultation
  • Market analytics
  • Price parsing
  • Product visibility
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