
Usługa wizualnej analizy produktów

Pomagamy dostawcom, dystrybutorom i sklepom
zwiększyć swoje zyski poprzez przeprowadzenie analizy rynku


Przykłady zastosowań

Dowiedz się, jak Twoje potrzeby i wyzwania
zamieniają się w możliwości

Twoja podróż zaczyna się tutaj

W miarę jak Twoi klienci zmieniają sposób dostępu do Twoich produktów i usług,
musisz zmieniać swoje podejście do biznesu.

Wielofunkcyjne panele informacyjne

Wszystkie możliwości, aby analiza była łatwa, czytelna i skuteczna dla biznesu


Artykuły gospodarstwa domowego
Artykuły sanitarno-higieniczne
Artykuły dla zwierząt
Opony i felgi

Przykłady użycia

🚀 Wynik: oszczędzamy co najmniej 50 godzin pracy każdego menedżera kategorii
Jak poprawić obecność na rynku i pozycjonowanie cenowe dla marki. Przypadek MSI i Pricer24
Pricer24 współpracuje z ukraińskim przedstawicielstwem MSI od 2021 roku. W tym artykule eksperci MSI ds. zarządzania kategoriami opowiadają o tym, jak Pricer24 pomógł im zautomatyzować analizę widoczności i cen w dziesiątkach witryn partnerskich.
Studium przypadku

Join teams that make decisions based on data, not whims

Testimonial Image
We’ve recently started working with Pricer24 and have been happy with the results. They have delivered detailed analytics, enabling us to compare prices of our products with those of competitors. They’ve also given expert guidance on optimizing our monitoring. We have been pleased by the service quality. Pricer24’s responsiveness has been evident whenever we have required additional data or monitoring advice. I would recommend Pricer24 to other companies seeking price monitoring support.
Ivan Ivanenko, CMO
Testimonial Image
We’ve recently started working with Pricer24 and have been happy with the results. They have delivered detailed analytics, enabling us to compare prices of our products with those of competitors. They’ve also given expert guidance on optimizing our monitoring. We have been pleased by the service quality.
Ivan Ivanenko, CMO
Testimonial Image
We’ve recently started working with Pricer24 and have been happy with the results. They have delivered detailed analytics, enabling us to compare prices of our products with those of competitors. They’ve also given expert guidance on optimizing our monitoring. We have been pleased by the service quality.
Ivan Ivanenko, CMO

Otrzymaj ekspertową radę

Wyślij zgłoszenie, aby zobaczyć naszą usługę w akcji i upewnić się, że spełnia twoje potrzeby

    *Przesyłając ten formularz, wyrażasz zgodę na otrzymywanie e-maili marketingowych

    Privacy policy

    Your privacy is very important to us. We want your work on the Internet to be as pleasant and useful as possible, and you quite calmly used the broadest range of information, tools and opportunities that the Internet offers.

    The personal information of the Members collected at the time of registration (or at any other time) is mainly used to prepare the Products or Services in accordance with your needs. Your information will not be transferred or sold to third parties. However, we may partially disclose personal information in special cases described in the „Consent with the mailing”

    What data is collected on the site

    At voluntary registration on reception of dispatch you send the Name and E-mail through the registration form.

    What is the purpose of this data?

    The name is used to contact you personally, and your e-mail for sending you mailings of newsletters, news, useful materials, commercial offers.

    Your name and e-mail are not transferred to third parties, under any circumstances, except for cases related to the compliance with the requirements of the law.

    You can refuse to receive mailing letters and remove your contact information from the database at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link present in each letter.

    How this data is used

    With the help of these data, information on the actions of visitors on the site is collected in order to improve its content, improve the functionality of the site and, as a result, create high-quality content and services for visitors.

    You can change your browser settings at any time so that the browser blocks all files or notifies you about sending these files. Note at the same time that some functions and services will not be able to work properly.

    How this data is protected

    To protect your personal information, we use a variety of administrative, management and technical security measures. Our Company adheres to various international control standards aimed at transactions with personal information, which include certain control measures to protect information collected on the Internet.

    Our employees are trained to understand and follow these control measures, they are familiarized with our Privacy Notice, regulations and instructions.

    Nevertheless, despite the fact that we are trying to protect your personal information, you too must take measures to protect it.

    We strongly recommend that you take all possible precautions while on the Internet. The services and websites that we organize include measures to protect against leakage, unauthorized use and alteration of the information we control. Despite the fact that we are doing everything possible to ensure the integrity and security of our network and systems, we can not guarantee that our security measures will prevent illegal access to this information by hackers from outside organizations.

    If this privacy policy is changed, you will be able to read about these changes on this page or, in special cases, receive a notification on your e-mail.