
Competitor Price Tracking Software

Get a system of reports for analyzing price fluctuations and the history of commodity prices over a certain period.


Track Сompetitor Prices: Analyze, Adapt, Succeed

Price Fluctuations Report

Analyze when and how prices of your SKUs change on competitor websites. Start identifying patterns in competitors’ price changes.

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Price History Report

Gain an edge with actionable insights — leverage the Price History Report to make strategic decisions based on historical pricing trends.

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MAP/MSRP Violations Report

Find the first incident quickly. You can not only view price change dynamics but also immediately track which retailer was the first to violate MAP/MSRP.

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Your Competitive Edge in Price Tracking Solutions

  • +15%
    Boost your sales
    Companies that implement pricing strategies based on competitor price tracking increase sales by an average of 10-15%.
  • +2-5%
    Speed up turnover
    Retailers who use price optimization and price tracking see a 2-5% increase in inventory turnover.
  • +2-5%
    Increase market share
    By integrating competitor price tracking, companies increase their market share by an average of 2-5% within a year.

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Automate routine processes with Pricer24

How Pricing Optimization Helped KTC Increase Sales

KTC is one of the most visited online hardware and electronics stores in Ukraine, with a strong regional network of 26 offline stores. In this case study, KTC’s category management specialists share how our competitor price tracking platform helps them increase sales.

Result: Thanks to price tracking and analysis, the KTC online store increased the share of sales to new customers by 11%.


What is сompetitor price tracking, and how does it benefit businesses?
Competitor price tracking is a comprehensive solution that allows businesses to monitor and analyze price changes across competitors' websites. This tool empowers businesses to stay competitive by adjusting their pricing strategies in real time based on market fluctuations.
For which e-commerce companies is price tracking a must?
Price tracking is crucial for various entities within the e-commerce landscape, including:
  1. 1. Online shops/retailers: To remain competitive, online retailers should regularly track prices across competitors. This enables them to adjust their pricing strategies, attract more customers, and ensure their products are competitively priced in the market.
  2. 2. Brands: Brands selling directly to consumers online should actively track prices. This ensures they maintain control over pricing consistency across retailers, safeguarding their brand value and ensuring fair competition among retailers.
  3. 3. Distributors: Whether supplying products to retailers or operating their own online sales channels, distributors should use price tracking tools. Doing so enables them to grasp market trends, optimize pricing strategies, and identify areas for improvement or adjustment within their distribution networks.

In essence, price tracking is fundamental for any e-commerce entity aiming to stay competitive, optimize profits, and understand market dynamics to make informed business decisions.

How much does a competitor price tracking solution cost?
The cost of our price tracking service depends on the size of your assortment and the number of websites you plan to analyze. We start by discussing your particular needs so we can give you an accurate estimate.
Is competitor price monitoring part of the functionalities provided by this software?
Absolutely. Competitor price monitoring is a fundamental aspect of the Pricer24 software. It continuously monitors and tracks competitor prices across different e-commerce platforms, ensuring businesses have up-to-date information for strategic decision-making.
Does Pricer24 allow for competitor price tracking on price aggregators and marketplaces?
Yes, our competitor price tracking solution can track competitors’ price changes on online stores, price aggregators, and marketplaces.
How often is data updated in your competitor price tracking solution?
We usually update data five to seven times a day, as this is enough for most customers. If you need to update data more often, we can configure our competitor price tracker to collect competitor data at least hourly.

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